How to Clean Your Dragon


Like every gun, the Dragon needs a good cleaning every now and then. However, the disassembly and reassembly procedure is slightly different than your standard 1911. You will need some extra tools:

  • A small gunsmith hammer with non-marring brass, rubber or plastic heads;
  • A small brass punch;
  • A bench block is recommended, but you may use any wooden or plastic block, as long as it won’t scratch the finish on the gun;
  • Two allen wrenches, 3/16″ and .035″ (to be used as a takedown tool) are provided with the gun;
  • An EMPTY 1911 magazine.


To disassemble your Dragon:

  • Insert an EMPTY magazine and pull the slide back until the slide stop is engaged and the slide is locked, then remove the magazine;
  • Insert the small allen wrench into one of the cross holes in the recoil spring guide rod, release the slide stop and push the slide forward until the slide stop is aligned with the slide takedown notch;
  • Using the brass punch and hammer, drive the slide stop pin out from the right side of the pistol;
  • Remove the slide stop;
  • Using the brass punch and hammer, drive out the second takedown pin from the right side of the pistol;
  • Using the 3/16″ allen wrench, turn the recoil spring guide rod a few turns counter-clockwise until the thread is completely disengaged;
  • Remove the barrel assembly from the gun;
  • Remove the slide from the frame, remove the recoil spring guide rod assembly from the slide.
  • Clean the barrel as you normally would. Use brass or bronze brushes and cotton patches with your favorite solvent. Inspect the chamber visually and make sure it is free of any carbon residue;
  • Inspect the gas tubes, if they are clogged or have a lot of carbon residue, use a provided long drill bit to clean them;
  • Apply a thin film of lube to the recoil spring guide rod and the frame and slide rails;
  • Reassemble the pistol.

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