I have a confession to make – before today I’ve only shot a shotgun once – and it was rather unpleasant experience. Well, it took me a few years, but last week I picked up a brand new shiny Benelli Montefeltro Silver 20ga at the local BassPro.
I must say I am very impressed by the quality of this gun. It is very light, and it’s just beautiful, with all these engravings, gold inlays and beautiful walnut stock. But how does it shoot? There’s only one way to find out. So this morning I got some Federal target load shells and went to our range to practice.
It went surprisingly well, once I figured out my aim, I was hitting about 80% of clays. It is very confusing and counterintuitive for a precision pistol shooter – instead of trying to hold steady, I have to swing, and instead of keeping my front sight on the target I had to aim at the imaginary point in front of it or below it. But still it was a lot of fun and I’m planning to do it again. After my shoulder heals 😉