A Pale Green Dot


I came across this company called Swampfox Optics, they make several different scopes and electronic sights, and among them is a sight called Liberator in the small Aimpoint-like form factor. What’s interesting about it is that it comes in three different versions – a red dot, a red dot with a circle and a green dot with a circle. So I thought it would be interesting to try a green dot sight for the Bullseye shooting and see if it has any better visibility than a red dot over a well lit target. The science says that a human eye rod cells are more sensitive to green light wavelengths, than to any other color. Besides, a circle around the dot in theory should help with faster sight acquisition and recovery after recoil. In theory, you know… Anyway, the price is very reasonable so I ordered one in the name of science.

Jumping ahead, both theories were proven wrong. First of all, it is not any better than a red one, in fact, it is slightly less visible. Second, the circle is just too big, it is about the same diameter as the width of the full face B-6/B-8 target.

That being said, the sight is still very usable. It is very well made, the adjustments are pretty accurate, and after a few clicks up and left I was on target and shooting 10’s and X’s. The dot in the center looks very round, unlike my Ultradot that looks like a starfish (because of my astigmatism). So I think it’s a keeper. The only thing that is missing is the set of shades, but I’m going to make them from a carbon fiber tube and use small set screws to keep them in place.

Tags :
equipment,green dot,sight
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