Happy Veterans Day!
Happy Veterans Day to all who served! Thank you all for your service and sacrifices you made!
Russian Roulette
I recently acquired this interesting revolver. It is a single-action version of M1895 Nagant revolver called MTs-4-2 (МЦ-4-2) which was used by Soviet target shooters. It has windage-adjustable rear sight, but elevation adjustment is on the front sight, a but less counter-intuitive. The gun looks as if it was made using cold chisel and hammer, […]
Lord of the Rings
I came across a very interesting product from PhotoEscape, Inc. It is a set of six aperture rings plus one ring to rule them all which works as a “rubber band ring” (click the link to learn more and read the excellent Dr. Norman Wong’s article). Intrigued, I ordered a set and here are my […]
Colt 1903 Part III
I guess I can call this one done. I found a new barrel on eBay (still ~$120, oy!), a proper disconnector, a period correct magazine and a replica grips. Reassembling this little pistol was not easy at all, nothing like 1911, but I figured it out. Haven’t fired it yet, but everything seems to function […]
In one of the episodes of the Top Shot Colby Donaldson asks the competitors, “Who does not own a Ruger 10/22?” The response to this question is a bunch of strange looks and laughs. Indeed, is there any serious shooting enthusiast who does not have at least one 10/22 in his collection? 10/22 was the […]
Two Legs Goood
I got 6 point EIC leg and another 6 point DR leg at the Arizona State Championship yesterday. Well, 253-2 and 251-1 scores are not something I’d brag about…I guess I was just lucky because all cool guys already got their distinguished badges 🙂 Still struggling with my sustained fire. I shoot tight groups in […]
Colt 1903 Part II
I polished all screws and pins and blued them with torch and quenched in oil. Wow, they turn out just amazing! I tried to take a picture but my phone camera is just not good enough. As I started assembling the frame, I noticed that the disconnector looks just like 1911 disconnector. Then I realized […]
Colt 1903
I found this old Colt 1903 on Gunbroker and decided to buy it and try to make it great again. As you can see, most of the original bluing was gone except small area under the grips. The grips themselves are the ugliest ones I’ve ever seen, they somehow remind me of Spanish Inquisition. I […]
Hey Little Sister, Shotgun
I have a confession to make – before today I’ve only shot a shotgun once – and it was rather unpleasant experience. Well, it took me a few years, but last week I picked up a brand new shiny Benelli Montefeltro Silver 20ga at the local BassPro. I must say I am very impressed by […]
Those Who Can Do, Teach
It was an honor and privilege to assist John Zurek at the Bullseye Clinic we had at the range today. Even though technically I was a coach, I felt like a student and learned quite a few things from John. Here are just some of his quotes from today’s class: I bet you already can […]