Those Who Can Do, Teach
It was an honor and privilege to assist John Zurek at the Bullseye Clinic we had at the range today. Even though technically I was a coach, I felt like a student and learned quite a few things from John. Here are just some of his quotes from today’s class: I bet you already can […]
Cleaning My Gun
Very often I hear the same thing from fellow shooters, that the part they hate the most (or like the least) about shooting is cleaning their guns. Well, I dunno, maybe I’m different, but I actually enjoy it very much. There’s a beautiful Arizona Sunday morning outside, sunny with 73 degrees and a light cool […]
A Pale Green Dot
I came across this company called Swampfox Optics, they make several different scopes and electronic sights, and among them is a sight called Liberator in the small Aimpoint-like form factor. What’s interesting about it is that it comes in three different versions – a red dot, a red dot with a circle and a green […]
Here We Go Round the Barrel Bushing
A new bushing came this morning from EGW. It fits like a glove, very tight and very well made. In fact, it was just a hair too tight on the barrel, so I put a dab of very fine grit lapping compound on the tip of the barrel, assembled the slide with the barrel and […]
A Little Help For My Friend
Rebuilding a Springfield RO Elite Target for my friend. As usual, the bushing is loose, there’s a bit of a play when I wiggle the barrel between the breach face and the top lugs, and the trigger group is nothing to write home about (unless, of course, you want to whine about how gritty and […]
Raw Deal Project, Part III
As promised, here’s part III. I blasted all parts with 120 grit AlOx media and blued them using the Brownells’ Belgian Blue process, which resulted in really nice deep matte black finish. Again, she’s not a beauty queen and never meant to be, but she’s beautiful to me. My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the […]
Anything to Declare?
There’s a lot of information online about air travel with firearms, and I studied it all over and over again – but I’ve never actually flown with a gun until yesterday. The good news is that my travel was between gun friendly states AZ and TX, and the agent at the counter didn’t even raise […]
Something in the Air
It’s 102 degrees outside and it’s a great day for shooting. Indoor, that is. Shot my air pistol this morning, and got 560! Not my personal best but doesn’t happen very often, so I am excited. Air pistols are fun and really help to improve your fundamentals and boost your slow fire. I’m seriously thinking […]
A Conversation Piece
I was doing my grocery shopping yesterday when a gentlemen approached me and asked: “Excuse me, do you reload?” Then there was a brief moment of awkwardness until I realized I was wearing my Dillon T-shirt and Dillon hat. So we started a long talk about reloading presses, components, calibers and all that. He said […]
AZ State Championship, Show Low, AZ
It was a great match, really enjoyable and easy going. I had a clean timed fire target and a decent .45 NMC slow fire. But 1911 is still killing me, I really can’t shoot sustained fire with it. Well, I do have some ideas, but it is a very long shot (pun intended!) In other […]