Be Vewy Vewy Quiet

No, I’m not hunting wabbits 🙂 But I did submit my ATF Form 1 and fingerprints yesterday and I’m going to purchase some components and raw materials. This is going to be an interesting build 🙂 On a related topic, how come suppressors are not used in the bullseye sport? Is it because rules prohibit […]

Short Course Practice Match

We are getting ready for the AZ State Short Course Championship and shot one practice 1800 match this morning. I don’t know if it’s just me or there is a grain of truth in it, but it feels like these reduced B-16 targets are much harder to shoot than a regular long line target at […]

Hot and Dry

It’s too hot in my garage, and I didn’t do very good job yesterday. I made a couple of very stupid rookie mistakes and butchered my slide. My plan B was to use my good old Dremel tool with cutting wheel – and it kinda worked, just looks very ugly. In the meantime I’m back […]


This post is inspired by a series of excellent articles called “Zen in the Art of Pistol Shooting” . How many times have you tried to shoot a perfect timed fire string? You tell yourself to take time, carefully place the dot in the center, squeeze the trigger, follow through – only to find a […]

Raw Deal Project, Part II

I started cleaning up the slide with face mill and noticed that it leaves very deep tool marks. Obviously, either I was doing something wrong or the tool was not the right one of the job. Most likely, all of the above. So I used various grits of sandpaper and a lot of elbow grease […]

Raw Deal Project, Part I

One of the obligatory activities at Camp Perry is, of course, shopping at the Commercial Row. Every time I end up buying a lot of things, some of which I do need, and some of which…well, let’s face it, I don’t really need. I load my car up with cases of ammo, jugs of powder, […]

You Cannot Buy Points, They Say…

Are you looking for a new centerfire gun? Well, I have one in mind. It’s a great gun, although you will have to spend a lot of time making your reloads accurate at the long line. Factory ammo? Yes, possible, but rare as a hen’s tooth. Magazines are somewhat difficult to load, and you may […]

Goodbye, Camp Perry!

Just a week ago, I was driving back home from the National Matches 2019 held at the historic Camp Perry, Ohio. It was my fifth time at Camp Perry, and it was so great to see the old friends again, and make a few new friends, and chat with all the people at the assembly […]