Guess What The Cat Dragged In!


This baby showed up at my door today! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the InBand Air 10m electronic target! My club agreed to purchase one unit so that we can properly test it and upon successful testing we will purchase four more units so that we have full 5 targets lane.

The price was about $1200, and that includes shipping from Finland. InBand used to have a distributor in US but not anymore.

The assembly and setup is trivial and took less than five minutes. I had some issues with connecting to the unit via Bluetooth, but it was a Windows problem (huh, of course! but there’s no software for Mac unfortunately) and after reboot everything worked as it should.

The unit came with one roll of Kruger witness paper and a bunch of air pistol and air rifle masks. This should be enough for now and I will order more from Kruger later.

The power supply was not included for obvious reason (those Europeans and their 220v and metric system!) but it’s just a standard 12v power supply, 10 bucks on Amazon, no big deal.

The target stand was also not included, I guess I’ll just make something from 2×2 and 2×4 wood and then we can probably come up with a more permanent solution.

I’m very excited and can’t wait to see this target in action!

Tags :
air pistol,electronic airgun target,inband
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