Two pistols followed me home yesterday. One is the CMP 1911 which I ordered more than a year ago. I requested field grade because I hoped to get something more original (i.e. original finish, markings, etc), so here it is – a beautiful old Remington Rand / Ithaca gun, the trigger is very heavy but I can always install a new spring (since I don’t want to tweak the original one).

The second one is a Russian free pistol, but it’s not a TOZ! It’s a pistol called IZh-1 (ИЖ-1) made in 1961. Not much is known about this gun, I couldn’t find any manual or any details. It feels very nice in hand, the grips are more comfortable than what most Russian guns have, and the trigger is adjustable for the pre-travel and trigger pull weight. I dry fired it today and it feels very good!