Those Who Can Do, Teach


It was an honor and privilege to assist John Zurek at the Bullseye Clinic we had at the range today. Even though technically I was a coach, I felt like a student and learned quite a few things from John. Here are just some of his quotes from today’s class:

I bet you already can shoot 10, you just don’t know it yet.

I think what he meant is that it’s not impossible. Anyone who has ever shot a pistol, can shoot a 10 at 50 yards – you just need to apply proper fundamentals.

I control the gun

Firm grip, proper trigger control, don’t let the gun act on its own.

The heavier the trigger is, the closer is the finger position to the first knuckle 

This one is interesting. Many times I’ve been struggling with finding a proper trigger finger position.

You can jerk the trigger as long as you jerk straight back 

I guess it doesn’t need any explanation. You can pull the trigger slowly, you can pull it fast, as long as there’s no lateral movement, the shot will be good.

You have a bowl of your favorite ice cream, why would you put dog shit into it?

John was talking about the shot process (or as he calls it, “shot plan”). Your plan is perfect, and it’s like a perfect bowl of your favorite ice cream. So why are you not following this perfect plan? Isn’t it like mixing some dog shit into your bowl of ice cream? An old Russian joke says, “if you mix a tub of honey with a spoon of shit, you get a tub of shit”.

You use slow fire to prepare for the timed fire, you use timed fire to prepare for the rapid fire.

When firing a shot during the slow fire portion of the match, pretend you are shooting the timed fire. Don’t drop the gun after you fired, instead, recover and realign the sights on the target again. If the sight picture and sight alignment are good, you may as well fire another shot without putting the gun down – I’ve seen some shooters doing that at the Nationals. This will help you to develop a good habit and apply it during the timed fire portion.

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