Bullseye shooters know how hard is to find a range box in a decent shape. There were several companies and people making those boxes back in a day, such as Pachmayr, Gun-Ho, Greg Walloch, etc. Unfortunately, the new boxes are not made anymore, and the used ones fetch a hefty premium on eBay and other auction sites, and also shipping cost of these bulky items can be higher than a price alone. That’s why when a fellow shooter offered this nice little box for sale, I didn’t think twice.
It surely could use a little bit of cleaning, and a few add-on items have to be made and installed.
I started with the scope mount. It was fairly simple part to make, the only trick was a plunger screw through the metal base and a circular pattern of small dimples on the arm. I also made two knobs from a piece of brass bar stock and knurled them.
The second mod was the threaded insert and a matching hole in the lid, so that a screw can be threaded in and keep the lid in the open position. Those, who have ever shot a match at Perry, know what I’m talking about.
The last touches were the loops for a shoulder strap and a piece of magnetic strip for magazines. And it’s done!